
By Linda Denninger

September brings a bounty of new and exciting things to our lives.  Summer is coming to an end, kids are back in school, weather is cooling off, and most of us have the long Labor Day weekend to look forward to! Time for BBQ’s and getting together with family and friends before we head into the last quarter of this year! 

What if we took just a couple minutes out of our busy schedules to think about all the good in our lives and to reach out to make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate than ourselves?   Far too often we are caught up in our day-to-day busy lives, our own issues and problems (‘cause everyone has them) and we don’t spend enough time reaching out to others. 

I’d like to propose a thought here: let’s use the month of September to change that!  If each of us took the time to do one kind deed for another human being during this month, can you imagine the difference we could make in the world?  Just one small gesture can have such an impact on another person. 

Have an elderly neighbor that lives alone?  Take them a coffee cake, but more importantly, spend an hour of your time talking to them.   Know a child in your neighborhood that could use some extra school supplies?  Forgo your “fancy coffee” for one week and use that money to buy those supplies for them and leave them in a backpack on their porch.  See a homeless person struggling to survive?  Buy them a meal.  But not every kind deed has to cost you any money.  Volunteer to sit with drug addicted babies at a hospital, visit a nursing home and seek out a patient that has no visitors, or simply spend an hour of your time with someone who needs a shoulder to lean on.  Being kind is really quite simple and yet it matters so much.

I am proud to say that I work with a lot of people at Dream Products that do this type of thing on a regular basis.  I’m fortunate to be surrounded daily by good-hearted, genuinely kind people. –

So as we roll into the 9th month of 2021, let’s make a pact to positively touch the life of someone else.  The more kind deeds you do, the more you will find peace and contentment in your own heart.  I have a plaque in my office that reads “SHARE.  The real secret of happiness is not what you have or what you receive, it’s what you share.”  So share the love you have in your heart! 

Happy September Everyone!